Pet grooming is an important part of keeping your pet looking and feeling good. Our groomers are committed to caring for the well-being of your four legged friend and want to share with you what to expect. The groomer will do an overall check of your pet to look for anything that might need attention, such as cuts, skin tags or swelling. The pets eyes and ears will be checked along with skin coat, nails and pads.
Trimming your pets nails is essential to their well-being to keep nails healthy. Our groomers will brush the hair to remove excess hair and any mats. Your pet will be bathed in a pet-friendly shampoo to remove any dirt or debris. After the bath, the dogs hair will be dried and brushed to remove excess hair and the final step, trimmed.
Medicated baths can help ease many skin conditions in your pet. If he or she suffers from seborrhea (a noncontagious condition that can cause skin to become dry and flaky or oily and scaly), a medicated bath can help alleviate the itching. Pets with allergies, flea infestations, and other skin issues may also find relief with a medicated bath.
We can recommend a bath after we’ve examined your pet and diagnosed the problem. Illnesses unrelated to the skin, such as thyroid disease, can also cause skin problems in pets, so we want to be sure we’re treating the root of the problem, not just a symptom. Call us so we can help your pet feel better.
To keep all our patients as healthy as possible, we require pets that are grooming with us to have current rabies and distemper vaccinations, along with other species-specific vaccinations. We also require that most vaccinations be given at least two weeks before grooming. Please call us for more information.